Michael Chang

how is it that i’ve lived this long & nobody’s ever said: i should put a bell on u ???
countless bell-ends yet no bells
is it my quiet bound feet
[another wish: to be quietly bound]
don’t tamp down my AZN JOY
my heart rate slowed but the tox screen was inconclusive
keep this talent liaison away from the celebrity wives—he is dangerous !!!
why, why did u choose this one
looking like roadkill
grief brought us together—i gave the order to shoot her
it’s unforgivable what she has done
for dasani in the prisons & public schools
he was run off campus after being hazed by chiang kai-shek’s great-niece
it wasn’t a book review but a puff piece abt kitty litter
i enjoy my new poems
they feel like me but also not-me, in a good way
[that’s something artists say to sound important]
there u are, useless as a curling iron in the wrong voltage
it’s just something that gets easier as u go, fish on a bicycle
did u think that was too degenerate, dwarves at the spanish court ???
in the 18th century noblewomen wore monkeys
on the shoulder to make themselves look more beautiful
in contrast, six weeks ago i was on a rooftop w/ a champagne heir
fighting off a deranged bulgarian weightlifter
now my lover is a movie star, stubborn as a bunion, he’s casanova
coming home w/ an armful of worthless prints, he just gave his last interview
under the pretext of getting comfortable, he edged his lips closer & closer to mine
i eyed the platter of breadsticks, individually-wrapped in prosciutto
a miserable snack, very proletariat
unbecoming of a man whose grandfather created babar the elephant
my country hasn’t been around that long & ur already two-timing her
poetry aims at difficult meanings but i don’t think ALL poetry is political
[the ppl who say that just don’t have range]
my poetry is aimed at destroying ugly shit
i have it on good authority that white men w/ yellowed soles piss in the shower
a design flaw, perhaps
he went to rehab to dodge charges but came out w/ a sex addiction & fondness for the sopranos
old dirty bastid propelled by romance, passion for the youth vote enviable
i ran to face the streets alone, these jellied candies meant to be admired
never eaten or fed piece-by-piece w/ antique tongs
when he pulled me into bed
of coz i was wrong abt that, too
i mean falling asleep next to u
white linen shirt so flattering
not like my father’s
nope, not at all